Uładzimir Hłazaŭ – Показания барометра (Barometer readings)


Uładzimir Hłazaŭ: Barometer readings (Показания барометра)
Illustration: Joseph Gronski
hochroth Minsk
Berlin, 2024
ISBN 978-3-949850-53-0
Language: Russian

Uładzimir Hłazaŭ (born in 1974 in Brest) is a poet and essayist. One of the founders of the digital magazine “ЛІТРАЖ”. Worked in the “Брэсцкі кур’ер” newspaper. Author of the book of essays “Symphony of the Jewish Tree of Brest Region” (“Симфония еврейского древа Брестчины”, 2019) and books of poetry – “Own Time” (“Время собственное”, 2014) and “Brest World” (“Брестский мир”, 2021). Lives in Brest.