Nastya Kudasava – Я працягваю (I continue)

The book includes poems written from August 20, 2020 to December 26, 2022. These are probably the darkest pages in the history of post-Soviet Belarus. Language: Belarusian


Nastya Kudasava – Я працягваю (I continue)
Illustration: Volha Prankievič
hochroth Minsk
Berlin, 2023
ISBN 978-3-949850-16-5
Language: Belarusian

The book includes poems written from August 20, 2020 to December 26, 2022.

Similar to “I get out”, “I continue” is a call that references both the famous Belarusian meme of 2020 and poetic inspiration, personal and civic pain. The title of the new poetry book by Nasta Kudasava reflects the time when the poems were written – from August 20, 2020, to December 26, 2022. These are probably the darkest pages in the history of post-Soviet Belarus.

These times are transferred to the coordinates of eternity by a classical poetic form and unique intonation. In it the motifs of the Silver Age of Russian poetry and the traditions of national folklore, the references to the Bible and the pagan incantations are intertwined. Of course, the visual decoration made by the artist Volha Prankievič plays its role, too.

At the same time, something new can be seen in the author’s creative style. There are bright social notes that invade the lyrical diary, reminding about the violence and terror. There is also the existential stoicism, tense waiting and responsibility for Life. The latter seems very important (if not the main) for the protagonist – the woman feeling the need to protect the World.

Nasta Kudasava is the Belarusian poet and translator. She was born on May 25, 1984, in Rahačoŭ, Homiel region. Author of the books of poetry “Лісце маіх рук” (“Leaves of my hands”, 2006), “Рыбы” (“Fish”, 2013), “Маё невымаўля” (“My unspoken”, 2016), “Вясна. Вуснам цесна” (“Spring. No space for mouth”, 2021), “Побач” (“Nearby”, 2022). Translates poetry from Russian, Ukrainian and Udmurt into Belarusian. Kudasava received the Belarusian PEN-Center “Book of the Year-2016” award for “Маё невымаўля”, the “Празрысты Эол” award (2018) in the nomination “The best poetic publication of the year”, the Michaś Stralcoŭ literary award (2021). Winner of the Magdalena Radziwiłł scholarship for female writers and translators (2018), laureate of the first Uładzimir Karatkievič festival (2019). The poems have been translated into Polish, Czech, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and other languages.