Hanna Sieviaryniec – Тое, што сказалася вершам (What was said as a poem)

This poetry book turned out to be a sincere and, so to speak, “undisguised” narrative about oneself and the time. Language: Belarusian


Hanna Sieviaryniec – Тое, што сказалася вершам (What was said as a poem)
Illustration: Pavieł Sieviaryniec
hochroth Minsk
Berlin, 2023
ISBN 978-3-949850-17-2
Language: Belarusian

The creative treasury of the writer, journalist and teacher Hanna Sieviaryniec is so diverse, that there is seemingly no room left for poetry. Still, the reader has the opportunity to meet her artistic statement, which was formed precisely in the poetic form. 

This poetry book turned out to be a sincere and, so to speak, “undisguised” narrative about oneself and the time. That is why it begins with the portrait of the author, made by Pavieł Sieviaryniec – a famous public figure, political prisoner, brother. Calm eyes and gentle smile… They are completely organic to the poetic manner of the author – realistic images of the Belarusian space and kind humor, characteristic of the national literary tradition. 

They are conveyed to the reader not by someone who laments the victims of the time, marked by the atmosphere of the Stalinist 1937 and prison walls. These things are there in the book, too, but they do not overshadow the other kind of things. There is the voice of the intelligent and strong woman, who is accustomed to both joy and sorrow, and who is capable of translating them into the admiration for life in its various manifestations.

Hanna Sieviaryniec is a Belarusian teacher, journalist and writer, literary critic, researcher of Belarusian literature. She was born in Minsk in 1975. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology and made postgraduate studies at the Belarusian State University. She is the author of fiction and documentary books “Дзень святога Патрыка” (“St. Patrick’s Day”, 2017), “Уладзімір Дубоўка: ён і пра яго” (“Uładzimir Duboŭka: him and about him”, 2017), “Гасцініца «Бельгія»” (“Belgium Hotel”, 2019), “Вакол Пятра Глебкі” (“Around Piotr Hlebka”, 2019), “Мая школа” (“My School”, 2021). Editor and author of prefaces and comments to the books “Алесь Дудар. Выбраныя творы” (“Aleś Dudar. Selected works”, 2017), “Янка Купала. Выбраныя творы” (“Janka Kupała. Selected Works”, 2020), “Тры Анегіны: Пушкін, Дудар, Куляшоў” (“Three Onegins: Pushkin, Dudar, Kulašoŭ”, 2020), “Кастусь Севярынец. Выбраныя творы” (“Kastuś Sieviaryniec. Selected works”, 2022). Laureate of the Alaksandr Ułasaŭ “Exlibris” award (2014), “Гліняны Вялес” award (2017) and “Празрысты Эол” award (2018). “Person of the Year 2019” – according to the “Naša Niva”