Viktar Žybul – Аранжавы (Orange)


Viktar Žybul
Illustration: Kastuś Žybul
hochroth Minsk
Berlin, 2024
ISBN 978-3-949850-52-3

Viktar Žybul was born in Minsk in 1978. Poet, performer, and literary critic. Candidate of philological sciences. Member of the creative movement “Bum-Bam-Lit,” as well as a number of literary, musical, and theatrical projects. Author of the books of poetry “Калі ў хаце дывэрсант” (When a saboteur is in the house”, 1996), “Рогі гор” (“Horns of the mountains”, 1997), “Прыкры крык” (“Nasty Cry”, 2001), “Дыяфрагма” (“Diaphragm”, 2003), “Забі ў сабе Сакрата!” (“Kill Socrates in yourself!”, 2008, with Vera Burłak), “Стапэліі” (“Stapelia”, 2012), and “Дзяцел і дупло” (“Woodpecker and Hollow”, 2016). Žybul also wrote a number of plays and research articles. Winner of several poetry slams. Laureate of the “Golden Apostrophe” award (2011), “David Burliuk International Award” (2013), “Празрысты Эол” award (“Transparent Aeolus”, 2018). His works were translated into 16 languages.